1. Working temperature up to 1100 С°, Working volume Ø800, Н 1200
2.Working temperature up to 1200 С°, Working volume Ø1300, Н 1300
Heat treatment of the metals:
20(30,40)Х13,95Х18,14Х17Н2,07Х16Н4Б,ХН35ВТ,09Х16Н4Б08Х(12Х)18Н10Т, 10Х17Н13М2Т(3Т)
Steel: 20,35,45,65Г,У8А,ХВГ,9ХС,5ХНМ, ДИ-22
Bronze: БрАЖМц 10-3-1,5, БрАЖН10-4-4
Latten: ЛС59 – 1, ЛЖМц59-1-1
Titanium ВТ1-0,ВТ1 – 00,ВТ5, ВТ5-1,ОТ4-0,ОТ4,ОТ4 - 1
Water hardening: Length of the sample 1000mm
Oil hardening: Length of the sample 600, diameter up to 60mm
Length of the sample 1000, diameter up to 60mm